Our new life

A peek into our lives as as we go from a family of three in America to a family of four in China!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Water Baby?

Shortly after the attempt at the baby pool at a friend's birthday party we were invited to go swimming with our friends, the Hatmakers. As you can tell from the first picture, this attempt didn't look promising either. Hayes acted as though we were lowering her into hot, molten lava. However we just dunked her in (up to her chin) and clapped and made a big deal of it and she then realized it was ok and she actually liked it. She learned to slash and had a great time with Jax.

We were a little worried at first. Hayes was not amused.

She finally decided she loved it. Jax is an old pro (the swimming pool belongs to his grandparents) so he showed Hayes the ropes.


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